This file can be used in the following paths:
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\agatha christie - peril at end house\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\blackhawk striker 2\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\blasterball 3\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\bounce symphony\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\cake mania\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\chuzzle deluxe\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\fate\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\final drive nitro\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\farm frenzy\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\penguins!\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\poker superstars iii\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\polar bowler\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\polar golfer\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\zuma deluxe\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\build-a-lot 2\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\diner dash 2 restaurant rescue\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\dora's world adventure\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\escape rosecliff island\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\jewel quest solitaire 2\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\mystery p.i. - the london caper\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\plants vs. zombies\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\virtual families\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\virtual villagers 4 - the tree of life\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\wheel of fortune 2\
- • c:\program files (x86)\wildgames\bejeweled 3\
- • c:\program files (x86)\\bicycle canasta\
- • c:\program files (x86)\hp games\dora's carnival adventure\
The above paths are the common paths where this file is located, but does not mean that it must be stored in the above paths. The file should be stored in the actual installation path of the software.
Tip: If you cannot find the software installation path, you can follow the path suggested above, find one by one, and put the file inside the path found.