Hi, I'm having trouble getting DOOM to work on my 64-bit Windows 7 PC. I read a post on Steam forums that stated Vulkan doesn't automatically install. I found VulkanRT.exe within my C:\AMD\Packages\Apps\Radeon-Software-Adrenalin-17.12.1-vulkanrt-64bit-171211WHQL\VulkanRT folder and ran the .exe file. It installed itself to a default C:\Program Files (x86)\VulkanRT folder. What do you mean when you say, "The file should be stored in the actual installation path of the software."? Do you mean the GPU driver software? The specific app - in my case DOOM? If so, do I have to install it to all of my App folders for which I want to use it? I did note that Vulkan Driver Version 2.01 and Vulkan API Version 1.0.65 now appear in my Radeon Settings.
Reply: This is a decompressed directory of the decompressed package where the installation files are stored. When you click on the installation file, the program files will be installed at: C:\Program Files (x86)\VulkanRT
Note: After VulkanRT is installed, it is difficult to completely uninstall through the uninstall program that comes with Windows. You can only use some professional uninstall tools to uninstall it. Therefore, the reason why your VulkanRT does not work properly may be conflicts caused by two versions of the system (new version and older versions).
Uninstall with professional uninstall tools, especially the registry that must be completely cleared, and then reinstall the latest version.
Installation requirements:Win 7 or higher(64-bit)
Graphics card and driver need to support Vulkan, (personally suggest using linux system to test it.... because currently the linux platform supports graphics equipment significantly more than vulkan. Things may change in the future.)
8GB memory
300MB disk space
Demos compile and run requirements: Vs2013 Update 4
Building Samples requirements: Cmake 3.0 and higher version, VS 2013 Update 4
VS2015 please read the manual description linked at the beginning of the article.
Install SDK and environment configuration:Run the .exe file in the download file
System environment variable settings: "My Computer" -- "Properties" -- "View basic information about the computer" -- "Change Settings" -- "Advanced" -- "Environment Variables"
"System Variables":
1. Select "New": "Variable Name": VK_SDK_PATH. The variable value is the installation path. For example, the default is C:\VulkanSDK\1.0.3
2. Find the variable "PATH"--"Edit" and add ";VK_SDK_PATH\Bin" to the end of its variable value
Verification:Run Vulkaninfo (path: start menu - Vulkan--Demos--vulkaninfo)
Output:Instance Extensions count = 2
DEBUG_REPORT : extension revision 1
VK_EXT_KHR_swapchain : extension revision 17
Instance Layers count = 11
VK_LAYER_LUNARG_object_tracker (LunarG Validation Layer) Vulkan version 1.0.0, layer version 1.0.0
ObjectTracker Extensions count = 0
VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump (LunarG debug layer) Vulkan version 1.0.0, layer version 1.0.0
VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump Extensions count = 0
Device Extensions and layers:
apiVersion = 696322
driverVersion = 1
vendorId = 0x10de
deviceId = 0x1183
deviceType = DISCRETE_GPU
deviceName = GTX 660 Ti
maxImageDimension1D = 0x4000
maxImageDimension2D = 0x4000
Device Extensions count = 1
VK_EXT_KHR_device_swapchain : extension revision 53