This file can be used in the following paths:
- • c:\games\poly.bridge.v1.0.5\polybridge_data\managed\
- • c:\games\princess of tavern collector's` edition eng\princess of tavern_ce_data\managed\
- • c:\games\honeystudio_32_data\managed\
- • c:\hry\bloody boobs\bloody boobs_data\managed\
- • c:\games\slender - the arrival v1.0\patcher_data\managed\
- • c:\games\slender - the arrival v1.0\slender - the arrival_data\managed\
- • c:\exsi\sexsim_data\managed\
- • c:\disk local e\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\the note\thenote_data\managed\
- • c:\games\hitman go definitive edition\win32\hitmango_data\managed\
- • c:\gamehouse games\mysteries of the past - shadow of the daemon platinum edition\mysteries of the past_data\managed\
- • c:\games\terratech v0.7.9\terratechwin64_data\managed\
- • c:\gog games\kerbal space program\ksp_data\managed\
- • d:\games\better late than dead\bltd_data\managed\
- • c:\atlas interactivo de chile pc\atlas interactivo de chile_data\managed\
- • c:\games\drift streets japan v06.01.2016\drift streets japan_data\managed\
- • c:\games\bmx the game v0.184\bmxthegame_data\managed\
- • c:\games\iwin games\chase for adventure 3 - the underworld collector's edition\chase for adventure 3 - the underworld collector's edition_data\managed\
- • c:\games\3dxchattest\3dxchat_data\managed\
- • c:\games\subnautica\subnautica_data\managed\
- • c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\rebel forces\rebelforces_data\managed\
- • c:\games\necromancy emilys escape\~necromancy~emily's escape_data\managed\
- • c:\mizou\desktop\yandere-simulator-2019-08-03-build\yanderesimulator_data\managed\
- • c:\program files\windowsapps\62256sparktriggerstudios.sniper3dassassinfreegame_1.1.0.7_x86__9z4x760rffxxm\
- • c:\program files\\shadomania\wrapgame_data\managed\
- • c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\the forest\theforest32_data\managed\
- • c:\depraved\depraved_data\managed\
- • c:\program files\windowsapps\c40dcf4f.speedracing3dneedforraceonrealasphalttrac_1.0.0.0_x86__b6sb9g8avsqk2\
- • c:\program files (x86)\the forest\theforest32_data\managed\
- • c:\games\my summer car v12.04.2020\mysummercar_data\managed\
The above paths are the common paths where this file is located, but does not mean that it must be stored in the above paths. The file should be stored in the actual installation path of the software.
Tip: If you cannot find the software installation path, you can follow the path suggested above, find one by one, and put the file inside the path found.