I am missing the UcAddin.dll addin for 64 bit machine with version number 16.0.11029.20108.
Reply: There is currently no such version, and we will send it to you as soon as possible after we find this version.
Alternatively, you can try the version 16.0.11126.20074 available on the website, as it is very close to 16.0.11029.20108 and may allow the program to run.
UcAddin.dll is part of Microsoft Lync (Microsoft Office Communicator) for use with Microsoft Lync Server or with the instant messaging client included with Office 365 and Live@EduLync Online.
The basic features of the client software include instant messaging, IP telephony and web video conferencing, as well as the integration with Outlook.
How to add ucaddin.dll to the Outlook Add-in list
Create a registry key under HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook15\Resiliency\AddinList.
Add the following values to the AddinList registry entry:
Registry Type = REG_SZ
Name = ucaddin.dll
Value = 1 (The specified add-in is always enabled and cannot be managed by the end user)