Enter the file name, and select the appropriate operating system to find the files you need:

msg711.acm File Information

Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law and u-Law) CODEC for MSACM
Sistema operativo Microsoft? Windows?
Microsoft? Windows? Operating System
Sistema operacional Microsoft? Windows?
Opera?nÿÿ systÿÿm Microsoft? Windows?
Microsoft? Windows? operÿÿciÿÿs rendszer
System operacyjny Microsoft? Windows?
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Microsoft? Windows?
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System
Systÿÿme d'exploitation Microsoft? Windows?
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System
Betriebssystem Microsoft? Windows?
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ? ÿÿ?ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Microsoft? Windows?
Operativsystemet Microsoft? Windows?
Microsoft? Windows? ??letim Sistemi
Microsoft Corporation
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
? Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos.
? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
? Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.
? Microsoft Corporation. V?echna prÿÿva vyhrazena.
? Microsoft Corporation. Minden jog fenntartva.
? Microsoft Corporation. Wszelkie prawa zastrze?one.
? ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ. ÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ.
Copyright ? Microsoft Corp. 1991-1995
(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
? Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits rÿÿservÿÿs.
? Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati.
? Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
? Microsoft Corporation. ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ?ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ?ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ?ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ?ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ?.
? Microsoft Corporation. Med ensamr?tt.
? Microsoft Corporation. Tÿÿm haklar? sakl?d?r.
Cÿÿdec Microsoft CCITT G.711 (leyes A y u) para MSACM
Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law and u-Law) CODEC for MSACM
CODEC Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law e u-Law) para MSACM
Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law ÿÿs u-Law) kodek - MSACM
Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law i u-Law) CODEC dla MSACM
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law / u-Law) ÿÿÿÿÿÿ MSACM
CODEC A-Law et u-Law pour MSACM Microsoft CCITT G.711
Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law and u-Law) CODEC per MSACM
CÿÿDEC Microsoft CCITT G.711 (Leyes A y ÿÿ) para MSACM
Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law und u-Law) CODEC fÿÿr MSACM
CODEC Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law ÿÿÿÿÿÿ u-Law) ÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ MSACM
Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law och u-Law) CODEC f?r MSACM
Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law ve u-Law) CODEC for MSACM
Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law ÿÿs u-Law) CODEC - MSACM


This file can be used in the following paths:
  • • c:\windows\system32\
  • • c:\windows\syswow64\
  • • c:\windows.0\system32\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-audio-acmcorecodecs_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.0_none_4e49470a107b0569\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-audio-acmcorecodecs_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.10586.0_none_ad5a73e7a41f9433\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-audio-acmcorecodecs_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.17415_none_11dfd675cd85d3fe\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-audio-acmcorecodecs_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.15063.0_none_31e8b4c832971a6a\
  • • c:\windows.old\windows\system32\
  • • c:\backup maquina antiga\backup\som\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-audio-acmcorecodecs_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.16199.1000_none_2663a01a2e53d382\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-audio-acmcorecodecs_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.16299.15_none_43c107816aecd42c\
  • • c:\copia bento 6-16\copia\datos\disco_c\windows\system\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-audio-acmcorecodecs_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17134.1_none_065567e662f2c6ec\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-audio-acmcorecodecs_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.1_none_119ac57451f1ccfe\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-audio-acmcorecodecs_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.18362.1_none_f3324b8a7700cfe2\
  • • c:\program files\xlinksoft\nokia video converter\codecs\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-audio-acmcorecodecs_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.1_none_d6c5e9129925e77d\
  • The above paths are the common paths where this file is located, but does not mean that it must be stored in the above paths. The file should be stored in the actual installation path of the software.
    Tip: If you cannot find the software installation path, you can follow the path suggested above, find one by one, and put the file inside the path found.
Tip: How to correctly select the file you need
  • 1.  If you know MD5 value of the required files, it is the best approach to make choice
  • 2.  If your original file is just corrupted but not lost, then please check the version number of your files. (Method: Click your original file, and then click on the right key to select "Properties" from the pop-up menu, you can see the version number of the files)
  • 3.  If your operating system is 32-bit, you must download 32-bit files, because 64-bit programs are unable to run in the 32-bit operating system.
  • 4.  There is a special case that, the operating system is a 64-bit system, but you are not sure whether the program is 32-bit or 64-bit. If you encounter this situation, check the file path to see whether there are any other files located in. If yes, please check the properties of these files, and you will know if the file you need is 32-bit or 64-bit.
  • If you still can't find the file you need, you can leave a "message" on the webpage.
  • Download msg711.acm file:
  • File Version File Md5 File Bit File Size Download
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) 4150d4f8cbea4b354242620d085a3fc032 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 0525f0183548c1e4bd501a7d67f42e9d32 bit22 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) bcc8c24184252e88f455fa4e893bff2064 bit24 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 183c546946690cdede7ad2614ca45aeb32 bit22 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) fd77d822f8d8f93c3c7cdd190ce76f9632 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 9205e2ab8092c448a09a1edf7a35f40064 bit24 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) a4d88b2d72093af9849773d52a7c088132 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) c34d6d6055dccf95c0544903c6b16f2232 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 48fe212e4cd17de480a164cf8e634b0332 bit22 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) e4510c24422b144ddb3d7fcda0d804d964 bit24 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 3ba12a96a135fa11c03bcd4a0dc2165032 bit22 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 0c501548b7ae6662a586fbd6edf319d464 bit25 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) d784601d290f8a86baa059d96901973c32 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) e065a3c00733efcf1c69d415a87a506832 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 4.0.950 aa173fb702edf56d3e03c1d52d007ee732 bit10 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) b6959a77cbad349670fac5d77dbf795c32 bit18 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) b9b32ac557c7cd2f90502f3c99c305c464 bit20 KDownload this files
  • 5.2.3790.0 (srv03_rtm.030324-2048) 3890c0b06d6d0faf48e5d86c69c73e7832 bit10 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) c82ae8309b1dd61d78d01728f592d30132 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) d609edecb9692217bca166c09a8aa6d032 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) 1882a0cf708e5171f9a760774a2c8c1b32 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 5.2.3790.0 (srv03_rtm.030324-2048) 640ded3c3e443770ee9bcf0e95b99f9b32 bit10 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) 50fdeec710d7b23a146dc71e623681af32 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) dd49a40c1d6edae81f3467c48cba8f3132 bit22 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) b3cb87229350c0b49f9bf539daa4d6ef64 bit24 KDownload this files
  • 4.0.950 7e150e632aa9ab855c06f2fdff5a1ffa32 bit10 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 662c5a8d6f277b3b7a446b52f2b23ab064 bit20 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) 34b76677d4a9aa67021724528214f82c32 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 42380c41e47f0652866a2cbc3f264cf732 bit22 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) c61a8382e0e73e003d449ffee8a19df564 bit24 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) c3900a02f8a5bd117221d2fbe89399be32 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) 8c5f91a64ba3be9cfaa2bc2969ccdf1d32 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) 4ebfaba309d47fa9a380a79e0adb2a7432 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 7ef420748405c8366a3e0e2d270833ba32 bit22 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 45e975e36664148a4b00e690e9b1a95c64 bit25 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) c0904c613dcda65187aa5c91afe7e40832 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) a21f2e3c1c412f5e3d1d069bcb07a5c532 bit18 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 7f954bc2f340f13eebf524dad192c07b32 bit22 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 633f58bfe9e6a7d8a004b0029ffeb2fc64 bit25 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 3fa5ec5d5f9abbe23abbad4d8db5125e32 bit18 KDownload this files
  • 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) 8f4a8b32f8f1c4d37b6f203b33536ce632 bit9 KDownload this files
  • 4.0.950 96dcc4268cb7cd8eca951942bae0514932 bit10 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 2e431a22611be3af554ed6c4255ba69e32 bit22 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) aa98e9c4ca0a38d72d110439e4c24d2d64 bit25 KDownload this files
  • If you also need to download other files, you can enter the file name in the input box.

    1 Enter the file name
    2 Click download link and go to the download page of the file.

    Enter the file name:

    Next, please confirm file verion, and select the proper download link.
    click "Download" to enter its download page.

    Check here go to the Search input box.

    File Finder:

    • Can't find the version of the file you need?
    • The downloaded file cannot be used due to unstable network?
    You can try to use this file finder. The method is very simple. Enter the file name, and you will find many versions of this file. Select the file version you need to download, this tool will automatically download a complete file for you. Click Here Download File Finder

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    User Reply & Help
    monir say: My machine is 64 bit and there is no file for 64 bit windows 10. I try to install scanner software b ......
    Reply: If you want to register this DLL file with the system, you can use the registration command, just li …view >>>
    Tarrant say: Hey, can you upload PGPwded.sys v10.4.1 or earlier?
    Reply: Currently, I have not found the file for this version. If I find it, I will upload it as soon as pos …view >>>
    Sunil say: this driver is not working for windows11
    Reply: You can try using version of this file. This version is 64-bit, and since Windows 11 is also …view >>>
    manisha say: I have programme of Arpita text Entry 2000 software which is Bhasha Bharti Gujarati data entry softw ......
    Reply: This is a compatibility issue, which means the program may not run well on Windows 11. You can try t …view >>>
    Curtis Reeves say: I lost madExcept_.bbpl on my Windows 10 64 bit computer. It was taken out by my antvirus saying it w ......
    Reply: First, use a good antivirus software to scan all the files on your computer and remove any viruses.  …view >>>
    Alexey say: Hola me compre un MEdion Universal Docking Station MD42495 MSN30002543 08/04 2.0, el adaptador ......
    Reply: This is a 32-bit driver file, and your system is 64-bit. Therefore, please do not use this file. I r …view >>>
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