Enter the file name, and select the appropriate operating system to find the files you need:

msdtcuiu.dll File Information

Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Microsoft? Windows? Operating System
Microsoft Corporation
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1995-1998
? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MS DTC administrative component DLL
Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Administrative DLL
MS DTCadministrative component DLL
Microsoft(R) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows(TM) is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation


This file can be used in the following paths:
  • • c:\windows\system32\
  • • c:\windows\syswow64\
  • • c:\i386\
  • • c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\b93f60ba19e546073f72c1a6c59659c8\sp1qfe\
  • • c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\b93f60ba19e546073f72c1a6c59659c8\sp2gdr\
  • • c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\b93f60ba19e546073f72c1a6c59659c8\sp2qfe\
  • • c:\windows\servicepackfiles\i386\
  • • c:\windows.0\system32\
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  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-com-dtc-management-ui_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.0_none_ca4c8413e23c295d\
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  • • e:\windows\system32\
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  • • c:\windows\system32\dllcache\
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  • • c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-com-dtc-management_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6000.16386_none_4797606266f04e8d\
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  • • e:\windows\$hf_mig$\kb913580\sp2qfe\
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  • • c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\4c1c5b899bc646c9865ee0f9e21e9cbc\sp3qfe\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-com-dtc-management-ui_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.1_none_8d9e027e23b2f0f2\
  • • c:\winnt\servicepackfiles\i386\
  • • c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\ad4cf32334ae6d5f888920853daea980\sp1gdr\
  • • c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\ad4cf32334ae6d5f888920853daea980\sp1qfe\
  • • c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\ad4cf32334ae6d5f888920853daea980\sp2gdr\
  • • c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\ad4cf32334ae6d5f888920853daea980\sp2qfe\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-com-dtc-management-ui_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.2457_none_1278e8c0263212f5\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-com-dtc-management-ui_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.18362.1_none_6f35889448c1f3d6\
  • • c:\windows\$ntservicepackuninstall$\
  • • c:\windows\$hf_mig$\kb902400\sp2qfe\
  • • c:\windows\$ntuninstallkb952004$\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-com-dtc-management-ui_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.1_none_52c9261c6ae70b71\
  • The above paths are the common paths where this file is located, but does not mean that it must be stored in the above paths. The file should be stored in the actual installation path of the software.
    Tip: If you cannot find the software installation path, you can follow the path suggested above, find one by one, and put the file inside the path found.
Tip: How to correctly select the file you need
  • 1.  If you know MD5 value of the required files, it is the best approach to make choice
  • 2.  If your original file is just corrupted but not lost, then please check the version number of your files. (Method: Click your original file, and then click on the right key to select "Properties" from the pop-up menu, you can see the version number of the files)
  • 3.  If your operating system is 32-bit, you must download 32-bit files, because 64-bit programs are unable to run in the 32-bit operating system.
  • 4.  There is a special case that, the operating system is a 64-bit system, but you are not sure whether the program is 32-bit or 64-bit. If you encounter this situation, check the file path to see whether there are any other files located in. If yes, please check the properties of these files, and you will know if the file you need is 32-bit or 64-bit.
  • If you still can't find the file you need, you can leave a "message" on the webpage.
  • Download msdtcuiu.dll file:
  • File Version File Md5 File Bit File Size Download
  • 2001.12.4414.706 8f3ffbb7890106572ac04eb9ad37417a32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 39c6377f5cfff489f3f04f442d07644232 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.62 5e6707fe833cde535ffee809d78982eb32 bit147 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.308 b74dfbdea3683093e384813be271a86632 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.308 e0d6800980e04bd42959796788878f0332 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 81282f3f77ef473db4ddf615f340c59232 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (rs1_release_inmarket.170303-1614) b35d056df13d2ec2022675d63ebe7e0632 bit253 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (rs1_release.161110-2025) b600f3021b9991c8ec72938e6d25a28264 bit299 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (rs1_release.161110-2025) 3371300d70e83990990d056563c12a0332 bit253 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (rs1_release.170112-1758) 0bf1fb63076e22bf2a5621c16dbd5dfc32 bit253 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (rs1_release.160715-1616) 157fe25437f4dc2f64958c4bcb4da8b564 bit299 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (th2_release.151029-1700) 4fa942300fceb5de0aca0c14260ef45732 bit253 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (rs1_release.160715-1616) 368f5dfb1d0e3d8c53a5abd2fed89d8432 bit253 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 de2e03a772390a0c8d244de9cb70c5d532 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 f1fbe4877b2f0e0fef7e5ae0573877f932 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (th2_release.151029-1700) 7e99bd3d2366a2e511c0c873e56fb8c564 bit307 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 52f263bd6874fe4b4ed8f85f993660a832 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 0ca659265f9c11ea76e7169660dcd38e32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 58ba99aaf10b44de46b320f916ff4b9932 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10530.17415 (winblue_r4.141028-1500) 14e19d5ec594243f43e30d3b05023e4032 bit247 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10530.17415 (winblue_r4.141028-1500) 705595b5bb5c894f84a5030ab2cc9afc64 bit299 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) dcb91ad4cc77165799bbdc040e606be132 bit249 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 9cf05d2ed20b8e6cceca551667393e8464 bit294 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 d21f5dae87fcd797b584c2e2a654cf8a32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 84fa1e203c6b8a050e5d2b77fef9f44532 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.320 b12b3b244ca33c66db2d358b4aa91c7132 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.258 b2f676ba72a3d47f34c4bc370ca6680f32 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.312 3b6b81ae785bd60ad1825bb9ec12bc3132 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 94d51e52e6feab4cab190e8562f8da7232 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.320 6ca423be48ad1bb93b9d613ce178ae6b32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 2cc6a96d89e4609a2f0c226f8be4e5cc32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) d18f22568921805f2e36a4fa481296f032 bit249 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) f1f43d5f0118005492c6b01dbb0758fe64 bit294 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4720.3959 (srv03_sp2_rtm.070216-1710) f90b2094b23933befcd797fd72dd8cc232 bit163 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4720.4340 (srv03_sp2_gdr.080723-1210) 6a3b108bbae93dbdcea2c851f77aaa7932 bit163 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 2ac243531aa1deec9b6920ed1df62ca432 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 d926aec879ee607570ee97ce48388ca632 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 e19c21ad711da6f0962369b4022ee98f32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 222706641bd13e3d7a1c47999dfc1c0432 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4720.3959 (srv03_sp2_rtm.070216-1710) 8f65f966581bc1f9066dcd554f3fd61e32 bit163 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.258 ca974c4daa1a4ff9da9591a1b26aae1432 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 bd422c7475f2b42ad3d102b47ada4f2e32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.311 1ef25346f9bc74cf4cfe499fcaed5cb132 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.320 78a7eafe50fc6e18e54745a850efa14932 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 f7656d463d3af4ea7e9d9cb52c20dc3b32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 73e8d0bb304e2abfd4015ae0a9d3fca232 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) e14b4f650ccb04754d870770e027313932 bit249 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 f738d4b028769b9a189fc40030109cc032 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 9b8c44c42be4ca4f97c462801e2773b564 bit294 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 d39a36832c5f1940515e914498ff0f4f32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 963bd533ce09e0e95e7eadbd15d60fd632 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.320 a22fa44f9696047e0a5a87bdd56583ad32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.6930.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205) 2a485f1450b1c5fe66d8f203d04684f532 bit203 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 62da071c3722adbdaee556f10c6831b464 bit297 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 d0836badcb7d2cdd33d73bacf0c9d26932 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 71958c65e8924c42b674d878a84d4d4232 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.308 affa422df24a6f4bf08512693b70533232 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.311 35299deb8f1bd205c9fa3a276ab88f2c32 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.320 32da507a408001b5d5df195358943e8932 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 8c016e35e4145aa2035e679aa51826e732 bit251 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 81e1448ee0e15de0ce24a11435b8f6a664 bit296 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4720.4340 (srv03_sp2_gdr.080723-1210) 370476d432bb7a8348444b813784324232 bit163 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (rs1_release_1.180402-1758) 456f51514b9a88da1f6c0f6a0a5c44e164 bit314 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (rs1_release_1.180402-1758) 9c1d4967164e7d8c7519606e13287e2f32 bit266 KDownload this files
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  • 2001.12.10530.18964 (winblue_ltsb.180303-0600) 2f85d28cb45ce2b6f6db1411859dbdb832 bit259 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 8a1a2c899814d9310b9fb2833597896332 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 ffe0439805a7db1674bab0a2285c344732 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 005533ff0aa1eb8e1b6fb551b49a152a32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 c82662f701c14bd141e78999f3cda3c332 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.311 5fa8e411f92044340fc781fbfd7a08d932 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.258 1437e4f38186929eb995700fd299ef6532 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 fcc2c8421ce729ca848633a833fd7ade32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) e01f8e4ffa5074616cc09c45b449117032 bit259 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 58fcc054ad9099f35c5922665dff53a164 bit314 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 e757a1df61b282cd4cda506c8933e53f32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.258 a08f42d8dc287977dcc5b70ca6b78c5132 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4720.3180 (srv03_sp1_gdr.080723-1215) 2fa3b623b81b58373d6101dd5e3babd364 bit284 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4720.3180 (srv03_sp1_qfe.080723-1215) 26547cfb96584de4a88aaab373da436964 bit285 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4720.4340 (srv03_sp2_gdr.080723-1210) 5bce9cf3a2d0bb9596a8d6500684edcd64 bit284 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4720.4340 (srv03_sp2_qfe.080723-1210) a5d4c1363eb4cd4593d7fc73d911db6a64 bit284 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 1e1676b75e34701f51e354c6375aad5332 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (rs1_release_inmarket.180822-1743) c798049aff1a3c1c7fa2b7fbe6fa6abb64 bit314 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (rs1_release_inmarket.180822-1743) 09554465b3288029c537710c0fc635a932 bit266 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 5f2f7ea2826e9f64b79c871312bb900e32 bit258 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.311 0dd3e763a1b1a9bbd497174155e05e6932 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 6b8935d19bc63ffb25c8a4fd7970efe332 bit258 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 1674982bd7340b13b16e275b84c9fc8864 bit314 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 a3e4ee4b5338aca3770c41f5384b637732 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.42 e30705cdaf6dec2beb72f848350271af32 bit147 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.258 af1f19534b23b62a4d6bbf1e9a8f3b0732 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 1b659dae37522ce2cf8f6fbc2b81206832 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 e50eee76faf65cd2d2d35afd207065ae32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 9074c6174bb07bee95442f24a449fcfe32 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.308 61f09b23f698b715ff2b12b401736ece32 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.320 e212e281aaef696c0659a857abbe2a9232 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.311 389701d87f7c086e110dc511fcc02cfc32 bit157 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.706 621c109c131e08adf246512288da869032 bit158 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 3936311a8c7c69ee82847c63afa9413332 bit257 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 487d46d19cbafac6786e66c6144aead964 bit322 KDownload this files
  • 2001.12.4414.700 df3584f511b84365c450e803215c888432 bit158 KDownload this files
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    Francesco say: ho scaricato il file nitro.officeaddin.net.proxy.12.dll, lo ho inserito nella cartella di Nitro. Qu ......
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