Hello, I need help using the mchid.dll library
I downloaded the 32bit & 64 version, tried to register it with regsvr32, and the operating system gives me an error.
Do I have to register this library as per the examples on the site?
Another question, when I use the function:
hidWriteEx(VendorID, ProductID, BufferOut(0))
nothing happens to the usb device, and the software doesn't give me any errors!.
What could it depend on?
My code :
BufferOut(0) = 0 'report number
BufferOut(1) = &HFF ' Command: OFF = 0xfd, On=0xff
BufferOut(2) = &H1 ' Ch 1 Or 2
BufferOut(3) = 0
BufferOut(4) = 0
BufferOut(5) = 0
BufferOut(6) = 0
BufferOut(7) = 0
BufferOut(8) = 0
If hidWriteEx(VendorID, ProductID, BufferOut(1)) Then
End If
Reply: Hello, not every file needs to be registered. This depends on the specific situation to determine whether registration is necessary.
Based on the information you provided, the issue might be related to either a program problem or a hardware problem. First, check if your USB interface is functioning properly and if the system can establish a connection with the device. Additionally, if the program can invoke and briefly connect with the device, it suggests that the device and mchid.dll file are not the problem. The issue might lie in your program code. When writing programs of this kind, pay attention to some initialization and preliminary work.