i downloaded this today from mr dj repacks,i had disabled the antiviruses before installing but enabled them while the game was still installing cause the instructions only said disable before running the setup,so could the problem be due to this.i installed the game and tried to run as administrator the desktop icon but it said gta iv fatal error dfa not initialized,what should i do.
Reply: To solve the problem caused by the settings file saved for a game, just delete the directory where the settings file locates, and then reopen the game which will automatically generate a new settings file. Rest assured that this will not have any impact on your filing.
If you have a Windows XP system, the path is: (X is the disc of your system; your user name is your system account name)
X:\Documents and Settings\your user name\Local Settings\Application Data\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\
If you have a Windows 7 or Vista system, the path is:
X:\Users\your user name\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\
Enter the game's settings directory according to the path, delete the "Settings" folder and all the files in it.
Delete: Settings folder in My Document\Rockstar Games\GTA IV
Then open the game again.