Hello,it's sunday,january 14th and I've been playing golf clash without any trouble in gameroom for a few months.I was playing earlier today without trouble,yet trying to play again,now I get the "browser does not support WEBGL"message.I'm wondering why suddenly WEBGL is involved and is there a fix.?I will not install WINDOWS 10 it's probably the worst OS microsoft has put out and gaming is impossible with it.Please help if possible and thank you and happy 2018.
Reply: My friend, in fact, a very large number of people encountered this problem; I suggest you use the following three browsers:
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
By following the method below, you can solve this problem:
Make sure that WebGL is turned on in your browser settings
For Google Chrome:1. Enter "chrome://flags" in your browser

2. In the list that appears, choose WebGL

3. Click on Enable

4. Restart the system
For Mozilla Firefox:1. Enter "about:config" without or www in your browser

2. In the window that appears, click on "I'll be careful, I promise!"

3. Enter "webgl.force-enabled" in the address bar and double-click to set the value in the Value column to True

4. Restart the system
For Safari:1. Choose Preferences... in the Safari drop-down menu

2. Go to the Security tab and click Allow WebGL in the Web content submenu

3. Restart the system
Good luck!!!