Hola he comprado tengo instaladoun w 10 HOME,unaimpresora laser ,que instala todos us drivers mediante un pendrive que trae,los instakla todos menos uno que es:
Cannot create DRVSETUP64\DRVSETUP64.exe.
tampoco me deja desintalarlo para instalarlo de nuevo c,con locual este rogrmano lo localizo por ningún lado y no me funciona,me podrían ayudar a conseguirlo.. Muchas gracias espero su respuesta
Reply: First, you enter security mode, then uninstall the original driver and restart the computer.
Next, follow the steps below to install the driver:
If you have the 32 bit Windows system, please install according to the following steps:Double click CH341SER.EXE to install. If there is a prompt "The service installation paragraph in this INF is invalid.” you can download "serenum.sys" on the Internet or search for (including system files and hidden files) serenum.sys on the C disk, and then copy it to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers and reinstall the CH341 driver.
If you have the 64 Windows system, please install according to the following steps:Find the CH341SER.ZIP file and extract it, which is the driver file.
Restart the system, press F8 when the system starts, and select "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" mode. In the device manager find out the corresponding hardware, select the update driver, and then manually specify the installation directory for installation. On each pop-up warning dialog box, select "continue to install".
In addition, there is a special note:The connection line between your device and the computer should conform to the standard. One of my friends used an inferior connection line, which results in that the hardware is unable to work properly. Later, he bought a USBISP download line and made an interface himself. Looked up on the Internet, it seems that some people also encountered the abnormal working of hardware due to inferior line. Therefore, I hope you can pay attention to this problem.