Enter the file name, and select the appropriate operating system to find the files you need:

There may be many causes for the failure of some file of Windows OS, but most of the causes are as follows:

  • Abnormal shutdown of the system results in missing or corruption of the file
  • The file is accidentally deleted or replaced by some software, or the original file is modified
  • The file ismodified or destructed by viruses maliciously
Generally, if your operating system can run normally, and you can enter the operating system successfully, we suggest you do not reinstall the system, because it's too cumbersome and time consuming to reinstall system. You can first try to download normal file and place it back into the original folder, and the corresponding problems will be solved accordingly.

If your operating system is attacked by virus, for the first step, you should download some certain anti-virus software, and let the anti-virus software check the files of all hard disks in order to remove all viruses, and then you should download the normal files and placethem back in the original folder.

File List Of: I Page: 26

Tip: How to correctly select the file you need
1 If you know MD5 value of the required files, it is the best approach to make choice
2 If you do not know MD5 value of files, you can choose the appropriate files by adopting the following three steps:
 (1) View the operating system version. (Method: Click "My Computer" on the desktop-> "Properties" to view the operating system version)
 (2) If your original file is just corrupted but not lost, then please check the version number of your files. (Method: Click your original file, and then click on the right key to select "Properties" from the pop-up menu, you can see the version number of the files)
 (3) Depending on the version number of your existing operating system, and version number of the files, you can select the corresponding files from the list below to download the required files.
If you still can't find the file you need, you can send an Email to us. (file@pconlife.com)
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
6.2.9200.1638481789e90e9ff27c327231eb6f7360a9c11 K32 bitWindows Server 2012
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
6.2.9200.16384e3b15cf8f1dd77a097b2ff2c2f9ad71711 K32 bitWindows Server 2012
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
6.2.9200.1638427343966a0e0c28152be37e6ac66850c26 K32 bitWindows Server 2012
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
6.2.9200.163844fce2e47a7cf78ac8561d99cbd2a879e9 K32 bitWindows Server 2012
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
6.2.9200.16384eb66d57403566c34fd4af6ea111d603610 K32 bitWindows Server 2012
IpamPS.resources.dllDownload ipamps.resources.dll File
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
6.2.9200.1638402eabe51c0c2dbae1a8db675975f3f7113 K32 bitWindows Server 2012
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
6.2.9200.163843931175145e2aec2e64bb91aca03cbc348 K32 bitWindows Server 2012
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
6.2.9200.163847ca1a2b17ee8c6bbdc1f1cb50df6fa4f10 K32 bitWindows Server 2012
ipamserver.resources.dllDownload ipamserver.resources.dll File
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
6.2.9200.16384b6de77e5a326d89275709cd8e3cc6b0f139 K32 bitWindows Server 2012
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
6.2.9200.163844cec4d34ffbfbbc33a3241da4d46f8032.1 MB32 bitWindows Server 2012
iisual.resources.dllDownload iisual.resources.dll File
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
8.0.9200.16384c0041bde5ba26097f22c562e2121b6fb4 K32 bitWindows Server 2012
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
8.0.9200.16384d4513f4be21dfd8a0c3e90dc7861951314 K64 bitWindows Server 2012
IdentityServerArtifactAttestation.dllDownload identityserverartifactattestation.dll File
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
-420c3d9b8e097e13c6204812e7d3eaef11 K64 bitWindows Server 2012
IdentityServerConfigurationAttestation.dllDownload identityserverconfigurationattestation.dll File
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
-e6911a288dceb215c7d4c4e235b0477866 K64 bitWindows Server 2012
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
16.0.4201.1009516febc73ebb85c471a4764188cfd2605.2 MB32 bitWindows 10
16.0.6131.10096b3790434093722e52acef15991b7cb25.1 MB32 bitWindows 10
16.0.6131.101012e7cfeac091ec4d05c1af5e53d946395.1 MB32 bitWindows 10
16.0.4201.10094a38a3ccf1e836640c49625cdea27a3d6.7 MB64 bitWindows 10
16.0.6131.100964392d9fbe8a295b64cc75b9b5384b776.5 MB64 bitWindows 10
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)6e5392b8bbbf8143f9503aad66d730ec22 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)22bd83268b80a8c89aac0bdf46e4eb5d26 K64 bitWindows 10
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)ec7108656f29d02ce34b390d6125546112 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)ee51aa3a58ba58d971211f5a9d245b7512 K32 bitWindows 10
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)71e1b798574164c42d7011e823e084fb5 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)207ea98d6b5e8acaf7ab15fe18390c415 K32 bitWindows 10
InternetMail.dll.muiDownload internetmail.dll.mui File
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)ca36dd5950b7c2ad86aa32f21e93676717 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)ef0edda3c168435aecb751a331fc92e417 K32 bitWindows 10
InternetMailCsp.dll.muiDownload internetmailcsp.dll.mui File
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)993b81b6a9d1215bd86f1893c123a6153 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)2b848afff593b6cf4fc1b7d38f8d80df3 K32 bitWindows 10
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)d3d1034223b6ccdbd09dd33a75506cc73 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)c7d30bb635aea83966a644b2aa723dec3 K32 bitWindows 10
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FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)d3138dd10e0e6ee7280bb93575a1837314 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)8eec8d6702ca677adec4d4f529e91b6017 K64 bitWindows 10
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)fd31b6f77925ea578870b49c9fe6d37347 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)1162bf7cd2f06ea6bc38f669d2372b1363 K64 bitWindows 10
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
5.00 (th1.150709-1700)9d26e7a4e2da3c7c556456a9b37c5a2955 K32 bitWindows 10
5.00 (th1.150709-1700)1e001b44fdd8a951800cc06e0b9d894684 K64 bitWindows 10
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)5b923eb4627b84e0ca21b49f1b96cd5953 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)81a347c8c023a774e6883250c535142176 K64 bitWindows 10
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)2f493e934de8fc81835a69c5f49a1e882.4 MB32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)8a0064d62343893b5c1a21735aa3cb613.4 MB64 bitWindows 10
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)83b5711b8f7cf333705d8df03e4e4297724 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)78c5e1495ddf60d19d0e9c5f7e163f231005 K64 bitWindows 10
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)4dd7bd3f615a084b6adff3d598cc148624 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)416f7c8ef1e7b306ea5bfc662c05c04e30 K64 bitWindows 10
InputInjectionBroker.dllDownload inputinjectionbroker.dll File
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)2f78934cd9b9028bee0b6b540ce7cfa224 K32 bitWindows 10
10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700)c3612ee5927499f59530a6187f9dd31330 K64 bitWindows 10
InputLocaleManager.dllDownload inputlocalemanager.dll File
FileVersionFile Md5File SizeFile BitFor Windows OS
-7a94e8a65e88c630074bdce41205564a79 K32 bitWindows 10
-fa6c0f5abf9cba3871002cd64ad3086c104 K64 bitWindows 10
Files List:
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