I am running OE6 under XP in a virtual machine.
Messages from one particular user has fucked things up and i cannot download any messages from the server.
My antivirus doesn't detect anything abnormal with the messages from only one sender.
Yes, i will unsubscribe that user and get only his messages from another email software via another subscription. I cannot take chances with his messages anymore.
I would like to avert reinstalling XP and other software in my virtual machine.
I suspect several possible problems. One is that my msimn.exe program has been corrupted.
Because it is a virtual machine running in 64 bits i cannot use repair programs made for XP with 32 bits machines.
If i could compare my actual file with a good copy it would help. Or possibly replace it by another version.
Of course it might be XP which has been corrupted or the Register. I don't know how programs from a virtual machine fit into the register. Will not play in that ballpark.
I am trying to find a copy of msimn.exe for OE6 running under XP
VERSION : 6.0 2600 0
Reply: The Msimn.exe process is for outlook. The Trojan and virus also like to inject into this process, so as to invade the system through this way, and obtain user privacy information.
In fact, I thought of a good way to solve this problem.
1. Create a new virtual machine, install the operating system, and install an anti-virus software.
2. Load your WinXP system virtual hard disk into the newly installed operating system.
3. Run the newly installed operating system and detect the loaded WinXP virtual hard disk against virus.
4. After the virus removal, find a good msimn.exe to replace the original msimn.exe file.
That's it. It can completely eliminate the virus on the WinXP system, and will not let you lose data.
Why do you need to do this?
If your WinXP is running, some viruses may not be cleaned up, because some viruses have written the virus code into the core file of the system, and the running system can't delete or modify these core files in use, even if you enter safe mode. This is why you can't completely eliminate the virus.